Tu est un globe trotter gay & tu aimes l`action et les vrais mecs...
Our 7 great cities available list...Deals on Turkey holidays
-Paris (France) From Gay to z -Istanbul from Gay to Z
-Antalya from Gay to Z -Los Angeles from Gay to Z
-Cairo from gay to Z -Algeria from gay to Z
-Bodrum/ankara/Izmir From Gay to Z
San Diego from Gay to Z is made by 7 gay locals cruisers from San Diego,updating you with the best spots, the dead ones, the best bookstores... and the bad ones! and basically where to be,
when to be, how to be, and to experience the best San Diego gay cruising ever! The place to be if you love Military`s... ,si tu adore les militaires Marines Navy`s alors la tu est au paradis! San Diego est une ville qui comptent 1 demi lillion de militaires!!! et il y a vraiment de tres tres bon spots exclussivement militaires!!!
Tel aviv from Gay to Z is made by 5 gay locals cruisers from Tel aviv,updating you with the best spots, the dead ones,the best beaches for the perfect cruise and flirt, the best bookstores... and the bad ones! and basically where to be,
when to be, how to be, and to experience the best Tel Aviv (and around the town) gay cruising ever! L`hiver c`est top,pas cher, pas prise de tete! les locaux sont fabuleux,et il y a vraiment de très bons endroits a Tel Aviv,les gens sont ouvert aux gays en general.Nous avons une liste de 14 endroits top pour se taper des Heteros Militaires et autres,en tout les cas,les locaux la bas sont beaux comme des dieux!
Paris (France) From Gay to z is made by 9 gay locals cruisers from Paris and out of Town (Banlieue),updating you with the best spots, the dead ones,the best Water sites like The Seine Rives for the perfect cruise and flirt, the best bookstores... and the bad ones! and basically where to be, when to be, how to be, and to experience the best Paris!(and around the town) gay cruising ever! As you know already Paris regorge of Gay /BI /Straight places... It is so cool now in Paris to be Socialy "Gay" that many codes apply like in Turkey! with just the difference that French People are so open mind! Many Adults Theatres, Saunas, Hammams, Clubs Echangistes,Parkings lot, and of course all the secret spots ....more then 27 !!! That even most of Gay Parisian people never heard about! The Secret list is Updated every weeks as well, for $25.00 you will definately save a lot of time, going to the places again... Gay web sites don`t talk about!!!
Istanbul from Gay to Z is made by 7/8 gay locals cruisers from each of the 4 following Turkish cities. Each group of cruisers will update you with the best beaches, military hammam true spots, the dead ones, the best bookstores...(blue movies) and the bad ones! and basically where to be,when to be, how to be, and to experience the best Istanbul, Bodrum, Antalya and Ankara gay Turkish nirvana Tape toi un voyage a Istanbul c`est une des meilleures ville en Europe pour te taper de très beaux mecs, moi je dirai Naples,Istanbul,et Lisbonne!
One of the best destination if you like Handsome guy`s ,Cruise straight mens most of the times open minded guys`s ...
This Secret List include more then 20 Spots in Istanbul you will never get anywhere online!!!
Because i cruise in Istanbul for many years,and because going to the regular Gay Spots may
make you frustrated, If you like straight guy`s ,get this List!!! Get your List in Few minutes via Paypal for $25.00 and have a lot of fun in Istanbul!!! ( see under for Payment.)
Deals on Turkey holidays
Antalya from Gay to Z is made by 3 gay locals cruisers from antalya,updating you with the best spots,the best beaches,some spots in Antalya can be dangerous however we will give you the tips for the perfect cruise and flirt, especially a military spot about 25 minutes from the town(a hammam,and a parking lot) basically where to be, when to be, how to be, and to experience the best Antalya(and around the town...) gay cruising ever! PS: antalya great!!!C`est simple tu as l`impression d`être dans le pays Basque a Antalya! avec 4 spots pas facile a trouver,mais quant tu y est...! c`est rempli de mecs locaux en chaleur...
Cairo from gay to Z is made by 7 gay`s locals cruisers from Cairo,updating you with the best spots, blue movie (porno theatre are subject to a certain attitude to get in if you are a tourist!)for the perfect cruise and flirt, 4 parking's lot as well ...basically where to be, when to be, how to be, and to experience the best Egyptian trip in Cairo (and around the town) You can really have
some good time there!!!
Los Angeles from Gay to Z is made by 8 gay`s locals cruisers from Los Angeles,Santa Barbara,Hollywood,Oceanside,and Newport,updating you with the best spots, the dead ones,the best beaches for the perfect cruise and flirt, the best bookstores...(many one`s!!!) and the bad ones! and basically where to be, when to be, how to be, and to experience the best LA (and around the town) gay cruising ever! Due to the size of the city you can get Headache fast...
depending of what you are looking for... Latinos,red neck,Military,surfers... this guide can be very helpful!!!
AlgeriafromgaytoZ made by a cool small crew with many corespondents all over Algeria. This site is great due to many paradox concerning Homosexuality in the country. many topics, addresses for suports, help, forum with interactive personals, and of course many good spots where to hang out when you visit the country. Algerian dudes are very hot, and you can really meet some handsome mens there. The gay culture like in Turkey or Maroco is very discret, and you need to respect the North African codes, but it`s a real open buffet if you know how to conduct your self overe there! Also see some great links of what you need to know, facts in Algeria..Ce que vous devez savoir si vous voulez voyager en Algerie.
PS: We are really looking for a gay platoon in the following cities...
-Sicily italy
-Corsica (bastia,Camp Raffalli in Balagne near Foreign legion military area)
-Beirout Liban
-please if you are interested contact us at : mycityfromgaytoz@gmail.com
- we are looking for underground cruisers knowing perfectly well a area... most of the common gay spots are popular via multiple gay sites, so we are looking for "The spot off guide"
Deals on Turkey holidays